
Heh... Sorry for such a deadededed Site.

Sorry I promised people I would keep this updated, I have been massively busy offline and haven't had much time to do much of anything. Locating a new job, taxes, work, etc, etc... it is hard to make time to do this lovely thing called Blogging.

I am working on it though, lately though I have been playing a game online via my Droid phone, it rocks to be able to do that... Blogging though would be a little rough to do, takes too long to type really really long posts in boxes with just your thumbs... Not to mention the pain my thumbs feel after doing it. Yes, I have done it a few times... It hurts, ALOT! >.<

oh! I have been writing, looking into a way to post it here so ya'll can read it though... LOL

Enjoy this post. =P