
Another Number... Amongst The Millions

If you know anything about me. You know that I'm an avid punk rocker. I'm one of those sub-culture people that have a high distaste for corporate control and govenmental oppression. I say distaste because hatred or other negatively created words are just not befitting of such a feeling.

I live in the United States, in the past year the American government has issued the right for the local governments to install cameras in every building interior, outside of private requiring rooms [such as bathrooms and dressing rooms], on every street corner, and every stop signalling light. Don't believe me? If you live in the United States, take a walk around your city blocks... Look at all the buildings you go into, grocery stores, banks, clothing stores, schools, etc. Then look at all your street corners, those little flashing red hand and green walk lighting fixtures... Those have built in cameras.

Then, hey look up while yer standing at the corner, smile big and wide, give you best f-you pose and take full satisfaction that government you live underneath to protect and serve you has your mug shot saved in some database with a number tagged on it that looks oddly similar to your Social Security Number.

Yeah that little number that... That's your tracking code, if you want to think of it that way.

Now, the corporations, this one no living soul can avoid. you need clothes, a roof over your head, food in your stomach, electric, heat, water, those sort of thing... Guess what? Sure as hell can't do all of that yourself and still survive... You need to get the materials SOMEHOW. Yep, everyone is affected by these money grubbing fools that exist. Even I.

So needless to say... Today, I feel okay, better than yesterday, but still. Its there... Now I just feel more like another amongst the millions of other that live.

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