
Poor, Hungry, and looking into a new job.

Well honestly, I have no money, rent does that to a person afterall. >.< -sighs- Having no money means I can't buy a whole lotta food for the house.. >Which means now I'm hungry [which really sucks]. Tonight the wife and I are having... Potatoes and green beans for dinner. Not a whole lot of choices there eh? It's a vegetable... And another vegetable. But at least it's food in my stomach tonight. heh.... ^.^

Now, the best part, I have heard about a company opening up an office that is offering about 40 jobs in my hometown [about 45 minutes from where I live now] that pays about 35k a year USD. AND the best part... it's in my field of choice... W00T ^.^

Well, not much more to say after that... I'm all excited though... Not sure how to actually apply for the blasted job, their site doesn't help ALL that much =(

I think I have to go and like... E-mail them and ask.. -sighs- buggery.

Bored, at one of my two jobs currently. Should be either shelving books, tying up bundles of older newspapers, or even do something OTHER than writing on this blog... BUT I am writing on this blog to entertain all of you that actually read my rants... Which scares me sometimes.

I also got my hair half up in liberity spikes and fan... Its interesting to see to say the least. I think tomorrow I'm just gonna hair spray it and blow dry it in a standing up style. We'll see.

Well, enjoy 'em.

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