

pondering leaving anirealm, yeah its the last link in my links box located up there, -points to the top of his page- yeah that link.

i have been pondering this really really hard for the last few weeks, more so lately than ever. not entirely sure. -shrugs- but to be completely honest i feel like i'm being restricted in my writing skills and my character style.

if anyone that reads this knows my style, i'm a big writer. i usually write ALOT. my character style... It's similiar to personification, but I call it Incarnate. basically i take an emotion or a thing and make it a real person and give it some neat stuff and bam. a really diverse character that is usable in just about ANY roleplaying experience. -sighs- unfortunately... i feel like i'm being hindered.

Probably just me.


Another Number... Amongst The Millions

If you know anything about me. You know that I'm an avid punk rocker. I'm one of those sub-culture people that have a high distaste for corporate control and govenmental oppression. I say distaste because hatred or other negatively created words are just not befitting of such a feeling.

I live in the United States, in the past year the American government has issued the right for the local governments to install cameras in every building interior, outside of private requiring rooms [such as bathrooms and dressing rooms], on every street corner, and every stop signalling light. Don't believe me? If you live in the United States, take a walk around your city blocks... Look at all the buildings you go into, grocery stores, banks, clothing stores, schools, etc. Then look at all your street corners, those little flashing red hand and green walk lighting fixtures... Those have built in cameras.

Then, hey look up while yer standing at the corner, smile big and wide, give you best f-you pose and take full satisfaction that government you live underneath to protect and serve you has your mug shot saved in some database with a number tagged on it that looks oddly similar to your Social Security Number.

Yeah that little number that... That's your tracking code, if you want to think of it that way.

Now, the corporations, this one no living soul can avoid. you need clothes, a roof over your head, food in your stomach, electric, heat, water, those sort of thing... Guess what? Sure as hell can't do all of that yourself and still survive... You need to get the materials SOMEHOW. Yep, everyone is affected by these money grubbing fools that exist. Even I.

So needless to say... Today, I feel okay, better than yesterday, but still. Its there... Now I just feel more like another amongst the millions of other that live.


Meh, just plain meh.

Stressed out and feeling meh. Working two jobs that take up 90% of your time... Leaving you the ability to spend about 4 hours of your day with the one you married, seeing as sleep is a nessicary thing to keep those two jobs running.

Meh, I hate work... But it pays bills, which truly are piling up more and more... Meh. Money is a rare commidity nowadays and all my cash goes to bills... I rarely see a bit of it... I'm lucky to see some of it... Usually it's in the form of a series of numbers with a small dot in it somewhere that ultimately meets the bank account or hands of someone else not long after I obtain said cash... So needless to say... I hate the economy.



Poor, Hungry, and looking into a new job.

Well honestly, I have no money, rent does that to a person afterall. >.< -sighs- Having no money means I can't buy a whole lotta food for the house.. >Which means now I'm hungry [which really sucks]. Tonight the wife and I are having... Potatoes and green beans for dinner. Not a whole lot of choices there eh? It's a vegetable... And another vegetable. But at least it's food in my stomach tonight. heh.... ^.^

Now, the best part, I have heard about a company opening up an office that is offering about 40 jobs in my hometown [about 45 minutes from where I live now] that pays about 35k a year USD. AND the best part... it's in my field of choice... W00T ^.^

Well, not much more to say after that... I'm all excited though... Not sure how to actually apply for the blasted job, their site doesn't help ALL that much =(

I think I have to go and like... E-mail them and ask.. -sighs- buggery.

Bored, at one of my two jobs currently. Should be either shelving books, tying up bundles of older newspapers, or even do something OTHER than writing on this blog... BUT I am writing on this blog to entertain all of you that actually read my rants... Which scares me sometimes.

I also got my hair half up in liberity spikes and fan... Its interesting to see to say the least. I think tomorrow I'm just gonna hair spray it and blow dry it in a standing up style. We'll see.

Well, enjoy 'em.


Work, work and work...

Yay for work, I am wondering if I can even get a real day of relaxation. Probably not... I truly am tired of work... Meh work.

Regardless, one job gives me interwebs connection, so I can't complain tooo awful much, I can talk with the goofballs that are my truly CRAZY comrades of much fun.

Been busy writing a story, got a book called "Book In A Month" or BIAM. It's interesting. =D I enjoy the setup of it. Heh.

Other than that book and work, house has been an uber mess, been working on that too... [Does anyone else see the occuring theme of work and working related topics in my life?]

Well, yay for me. Work work work... Meh... been hoping to get some RPing done today, dunno if I'm going to, we'll see. -sighs- Anirealm is going sloooowwww. =(

Well, I think I'm gonna go with "The Princess's" idear and use the upper righthand box as a Wishlist.

Now I gotta think about that. -sighs-